The final Community Friday this fall is a virtual fair organized by DLAC and featuring a variety of presentations regarding Teaching and Technology. The session will run as breakout groups, allowing you to move between virtual spaces and speak with colleagues about how they are using technology and digital projects in their online teaching and work.
Our presenters will discuss their work, often with the assistance of student presenters. They are enthusiastic to talk with you and answer questions about how their projects were accomplished in a virtual space. The presenters are Mark Baechtel, Lecturer in Anthropology and Editor of Rootstalk; Xavier Escandell, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Data Analysis & Social Inquiry Lab (DASIL); Joshua Marshack, Assistant Professor of Anthropology; Petrouchka Moise, Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Grinnell College Libraries; Nick Phillips, Assistant Professor of Spanish; Sarah Purcell, L.F. Parker Professor of History; Liz Rodrigues, Assistant Professor in the Grinnell College Libraries; and Keira Wilson, Assistant Director of Service and Social Innovation at Careers, Life, and Service.